Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Caretaker Was A Thief

From the pinkas (communal records) of the village of Karlitch from the late 18th century.

“Zum ândenken un eydos (witness) far späterdige doyros (generations)” – steht verschrieben mit a blatt weiter – “wie asõ H. Zvi Bar Khayim Segal (note: the common Jewish surname is a Hebrew acronym) hât âbgetân mit sein “hand-arbeit” zu ganvenen (steal) vun ander kehille –leut, bei kamah balebatim (householders), asõ wie es is klâr bewiesen geworen var die alle aluphei ha-kohol , un die aluphei beys-din tzedek (rabbinical court) vun unser kehillah (community); is bei uns, aluphei ha-kohol v-beys din tzedek beschlossen geworen as der dâsiger laufer, d.h. der shamas (caretaker) soll sein posul l’eydos (unfit to testify) un far a shevuah (an oath), vun heunt ân un weiter…bis er wet schweren in talis un tephillin (prayer shawl and phylacteries) as er wet mehr nischt ganvenen. Untergeschreiben die kohol’s-leut un beys-din in jâhr TKN”D 1794.”
Footnote: A laufer in Pinkas – ratz (Heb. “runner”). (It is unclear whether this means the editor has altered the orignial wording in the quoted passage.) Er wert auch ângerufen shaliakh m’yukhad. Dâs is geween der gewöhnlecher shamas (custodian) oder an extra-shamas, wâs hât gedien be kohol als “extra-potscht” (special delivery messenger) auch auf dem fall, as m’hât gedarft epis ânsagen in a zwéiter stâdt oder städtel, wenn es hât sich gehandelt um a gezeyrah (edict), oder an ander tzurah (trouble) auf Yidden.


  1. Segal: s'gan levi assistant Levite

  2. You're so smart, Perele. I'm just going to leave my posts as they are so people have to look in the comments for your corrections.

  3. ha ha . It's not a matter of being smart, it's "mameh loshon", that's all. Plus high school (with no literarish yidish whatsover) and then much more exposure recently to yidishistn...
